<bGSOUND SRC="https://mooselissa.tripod.com/music/sweet_home_alabama.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


Hey! This is my website dedicated to the Class of 2001 @ NHS. Instead of making a regular scrapbook, I figured this would be more fun and everyone can look at it whenever. Enjoy!

My days of high school have been a blast. I'm sad to see it coming to an end so suddenly. But, I couldn't have asked for a better 4 years. These times were fun, but there are plenty more in my future. I'm going to play college golf for Wichita State University in Kansas on a FULL scholarship.

I also would like to say GOOD LUCK to all of you graduating this year and Good luck in the years to come......Make your parents PROUD!!! :)

If you have any suggestions or ideas or whatever, you can e-mail me at MoosELISSA1@home.com!!

ENJOY!!!!! GO SENIORS!!!!!!!!

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