<bGSOUND SRC="https://mooselissa.tripod.com/music/cheers.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>



These are the "overall babes"! We made overalls for the football season! Christy, Becca, Lisa, Sarah, Stephanie, Me, Lindsay, Lacee, Jamie, and Bo! These are the buff guys on the Texan Football team! Playoffs 2000!!! Jared I., J.P., Paul, Jared B., Jonathan, Hobbs, Armando, and Derek!
This was the outcome from the hours of work on the senior overalls! Lacee, Jamie, Me, and Ace! Hobbs, showing off his body art!
This is Jeff, and lil Bo! Christy and Bryan...how cute!
Lindsey, Claire, Bridget, Melinda, and Catherine......SR Cheerleaders! Amanda and Nicole!!
Justin and Spencer, the WWF Superstars, also known as Kurt Angle and The Rock!!! Jamie and Lacee!
SLEEPY, #88!!! MOOSEdreads!!!
This picture was taken about 2 years ago...but these hotties are all seniors now! Bryan, Jeff, Travis, Ace, Keith, and Randy!! Catherine and Spencer
Ace, Lindsey Mo, Jamie, Shawna, & Lauren Halloween 1999...Robin, Christy, Lindsay, Nathan & Shelley as the Spice Girls!!!
Jamie & Amanda Katrina, Me, Lindsay & Becca "Booty"!
Kristy, Me, Lauren, Lacee & Brandi...about 2 years ago Brandi & Brian
Me & Kristy Me & Jeff on his 18th Birthday!!!

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